Jun 8, 2023 | News

Husband Pushes His Seven-Month Pregnant Wife Off A 1,000ft Cliff

Morgan Collier

Morgan Collier

In the summer of June 2018, Hakan Aysal, a 40-year-old man, and his pregnant wife, Semra Aysal, 32 years old, embarked on a peaceful getaway to the serene Butterfly Valley in Mugla, Turkey.

Butterfly Valley is known for its breathtaking beauty, housing more than 100 butterfly species and a picturesque waterfall that cascades into the crystal-clear turquoise waters below. It is a popular destination for couples seeking a romantic retreat.

Unfortunately for Mrs. Aysal, her visit to Butterfly Valley ended in tragic circumstances following a brutal and senseless crime.

The Crime

Semra and Hakan stood at the cliff’s edge, admiring the stunning valley before them. 

Hakan had an idea for a cool photo and suggested that Semra move closer to the edge.

Though hesitant due to her fear of heights, Semra eventually agreed, hoping to capture a happy memory.

Little did Semra know, these would be her final moments. 

Instead of taking her picture, Hakan unexpectedly pushed her off the cliff, and she tragically fell to her death from a height of 1,000 feet.

By Acar54 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71008568

The Motive

After the devastating loss of his wife, Hakan made a move to claim the substantial life insurance policy, amounting to over $25,000, which he had recently taken out before her tragic passing. However, this action raised suspicion among the authorities, prompting further scrutiny.

As a result of the dubious insurance claim, the police initiated a thorough investigation, causing a halt in the payout process by the insurance company. 

The claim was ultimately rejected due shortly after due to the announcement of the police investigation into the circumstances surrounding Semra’s untimely demise.

Suspicion Grows

The suspicion towards Hakan deepened following the emergence of a witness who came forward with video evidence, capturing Hakan’s suspicious behavior alongside his wife atop the cliff.

Recep Sahin, enjoying the breathtaking view of the valley with his family when he noticed the presence of Hakan and Semra.

He stated that: “My daughter was filming the view with my phone, and the Aysal couple came down the slope at that moment.

“We even joked, ‘Either this man will throw the woman off, or the woman will throw the man.’ There was no interaction between them.”

An additional witness, who was signaled to stop in his car by Hakan shortly after the “accident,” shared his observations about Hakan’s unsettling composure despite the recent loss of his wife.


He said: “I was driving there when I saw someone was waving at me, and I stopped.

“Hakan came and said his wife had fallen down the cliff. We immediately got out of the car and started looking for her, but we couldn’t see where she would have landed from where we were.”

“We tried to get closer to the edge for a better look. Hakan did not come with us down there.

“We stayed there until the gendarmerie arrived. Hakan was very carefree and calm. He was not acting like a man whose wife just had fallen off a cliff.”

Even Semra’s own brother went as far as to assert that Hakan displayed an unnervingly composed demeanor, which seemed out of place for a man who had just experienced the profound loss of his life partner.

He stated that:  “When we went to the Forensic Medicine Institute to get the body, Hakan was sitting in the car. My family and I were destroyed, but Hakan did not even appear sad.”

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

He added: “My sister was always against taking out loans. However, after she died, we learned she had loans taken out by Hakan on behalf of my sister.”

All of these red flags contributed to the arrest of Hakan in 2021.

The Verdict

When asked about his wife’s insurance policy in court, Hakan said: “I did not examine the policy closely. The banker arranged the paperwork. I just brought it to my wife to get it signed. I was not aware there was such an article.”

At first, Hakan vehemently denied any responsibility for Semra’s tragic demise, maintaining that he had been innocently retrieving her phone from her bag when the dreadful incident occurred. According to his account, with his back turned to her, all he heard was her piercing scream as she fell.


However, as the weight of the evidence mounted against him, Hakan resorted to filing an insanity plea in a desperate attempt to shift the narrative. Despite his assertions of mental disturbance, healthcare professionals from the 4th Specialisation Department of Forensic Medicine dismissed his claims, considering them unfounded and lacking credibility.

In October 2022, Hakan Aysal was told he must serve at least 30 years in jail before he can be considered for release.